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We Offer Ear Wax Removal Service in Maidstone, Orpington, Tunbridge Wells and the surrounding areas.

Carried out by our Audiology Consultant, Andriy Drypen, the procedure is safe, comfortable and highly effective.

Call us on 01622 395 767 or email on to book your appointment today.

Do you suffer with blocked ears? Muffled hearing? Earache? We can help.  All Ears! specialise in all methods of ear cleaning, but after years of research we have chosen microsuction as a preferred ear cleaning method. 

Microsuction is a professional ear wax removal procedure that is gentle and safe – it is performed using precision instruments, microscope and medical-grade suction.  It carries a much lower risk of ear infection or damage to ears and often does not require any wax softening. 

We can also perform ear syringing or manual wax removal if the case warrants it, although in 90% microsuction is advised.

The ear wax procedure (by any method) costs £75 in our Maidstone, Orpington or Tunbridge Wells clinic.  Paediatric ear wax removal and ear cleaning costs £100 and is available to children over 5 years of age.

Occasionally we find that there is no wax to be removed and the symptoms may be caused by a different ear condition. In such cases we offer a complementary hearing assessment to check for the cause of the symptoms such as hearing loss, tinnitus and blocked ears. 

The professional ear cleaning is always performed by the highly qualified and skilled Audiology Consultant, Andriy Drypen, with years of experience and vast knowledge of ear health.  Mr Drypen has been practising in several NHS and private hospitals in London since 2008, before moving to Kent to set-up his own independent ear health clinic.  His patients benefit from holistic care, made possible by the network of prominent healthcare and medical professionals. 

Signs of excessive wax build up

• A feeling of pressure/fullness/blocked ears
• Earache, ear discomfort
• Reduced, dull, muffled hearing 
• Discomfort after showering or swimming
• Problems with wearing hearing aids (discomfort, earache)
• Hearing aids may whistle as the wax will cause acoustic feedback
• Hearing aids may become blocked with wax, requiring costly servicing
• Balance issues and dizziness
• Noises in the ears (e.g. ringing, buzzing, humming, hissing, rushing)

What is ear wax

Wax is very important – it is naturally made by our ears to prevent infections, dryness and any damage to the ear canal and the eardrum. Also known as cerumen, wax is made up of old skin cells, dust and natural oils that are secreted by the glands in our ear canals. These oils lubricate our ears and prevent them from becoming too dry and sore.  

The composition and extent of wax build-up depends on each individual, and is influenced by genetic factors as well as age, diet,  and environment. Hearing aid users will experience an increased production of wax, as having a hearing aid in the ear will stimulate the glands to secrete oils at a faster rate. This is also the case for people who use cotton buds to clean their ears.

What should you do about earwax?

The answer is simple – have your ear wax removed and ears examined by a professional Audiologist.

We strongly advise our patients not to use cotton buds or any other home methods to remove the wax themselves. It is normal to have some amount of wax in your ears.  

Cotton buds may irritate the skin in your ear canals and even cause damage. It may also push the wax further into the ear canal, only impacting it more and making it more difficult to remove.

Traditionally olive oil has been used as a home method to remove wax. The results vary for most people. Whilst in rare cases olive oil can soften the wax and cause it to come out naturally, it can also cause it to expand and further block the ears. 

Get in touch

If you have any questions regarding the safe earwax removal service by microsuction in the Maidstone, Orpington or the surrounding areas, please call or email us, or alternatively please fill in the form below

    Contact Info

    Maidstone Clinic
    Address: Office 6, Maidstone Innovation Centre, Gidds Pond Way, Maidstone, ME14 5FY
    Phone: 01622 395 767

    Orpington Clinic
    Address: Room 30, Health and Wellbeing Centre, 19 Homefield Rise, Orpington, BR6 0FE
    Phone: 01622 395 767

    Tunbridge Wells Clinic
    Address: Spire Tunbridge Wells Hospital, Fordcombe Road, Fordcombe, Tunbridge Wells, TN3 0RD
    Phone: 01622 395 767

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